Christmas Gifting at Superdrug…

Welcome to Elegant Ageless Beauty, I’m Teresa

Images courtesy of Superdrug

I have been a rather lucky blogger, and have been sent four lovely gifts from Superdrug and I’m sharing with you here on EAB. Before I begin, I do have to apologise for the use of Superdrug stock images instead of Mark’s beautiful photographs here on my blog, we’ve been having a few issues which I shan’t bore you with right now. But I can honestly say that these products have been sent to me for reviewing I haven’t just picked four products from the website and put them here, I was however asked to choose which gifts I would like to feature and I chose gifts that I would love to receive myself or gifts that I would definitely give to others.

Image courtesy of Superdrug

Regular readers may know that I am a huge fan of B. Skincare, a Superdrug own brand, but Mark has yet to try the B. Men products, so I though that this would be perfect for him to dip his toe into, and the rest of him too, obviously! This is a super gift set for the man in your life. With a 4 in 1 wash that is suitable for hair beard face and body, it’s a huge 200ml too. There’s a 150ml of delicious moisturiser for face body and hands in this gift set. Both products contain Vitamin E, Horse Chestnut and Willow Bark extracts. Both of these products are suitable for Vegetarian and Vegans. Right now you can save £4 on this gift HERE.

Image courtesy of Superdrug

The Spaa Escape and Relax Slipper Set is a gift I would love to find under the Christmas tree. It contains a pair of comfy looking towelling slippers that will fit shoe sizes 5 to 7 a 100g package of reviving Bath Salts, which going from past experience of using this Spaa brand, smells amazing! There is also a 75ml tube of Nourishing Foot Lotion. A super gorgeous set to use at the end of a long day methinks. This gift set is half price at Superdrug at the moment HERE.

Image courtesy of Superdrug

For anyone who enjoys fruity fragrances I think the Fruity by Superdrug shower set is ideal. The Fruity range of shower gels are some of my favourites and always in my bathroom cabinet. This one is Pineapple and Papaya fragrance, and it really does smell amazing! There is a 100ml shower gel, 100ml body lotion and a pineapple sponge. This gift set is half price HERE.

Image courtesy of Superdrug

If you love makeup, whoever you are, you can never have too many brushes. This is a super set of three brushes and a foundation blending sponge by Studio, London. I think that this set is ideal to give to someone just starting out using makeup, and I have an idea of who in my family would rather like this. I’ve not used this brand of brushes myself yet, so I can’t comment on the workability of them. They are synthetic so they will be easy to clean. The sponge contains latex which may cause an allergic reaction. The Studio London 4 piece brush set is half price right now in Superdrug stores and online HERE.

Once again, I’m so sorry for the use of stock images in this post. However I have taken some photos with my phone and will be popping them over on my Instagram shortly.

Thank you for stopping by today.


*PR Gifted*



Cool Down with Snake Brand Original Cooling Powder..

Welcome to Elegant Ageless Beauty, I’m Teresa.

The weather here in the UK has been pretty stunning over the last few months, but the heat really has been unbearable for me to be honest. Luckily I’ve been able to cool down a bit with some lovely cooling powder from Snake Brand.

Snake Brand Cooling Powder is manufactured in Thailand by The British Dispensary Co Ltd. The company trades under this lovely snake and arrow trademark, the image of the snake represents illness and sickness while the arrow represents the cure. The Snake Brand Cooling Powder has been around helping people to cool down and giving relief from awful prickly heat since 1947. You can read about Prickly Heat HERE. It’s now in 16 countries and is being introduced into Europe, thank goodness! It’s recently been launched in over 200 pharmacies across the UK, and also become a best seller on Amazon UK too. The product has been registered with the MHRA (Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency) and it complies with all the EU safety regulations.

Main ingredients in the cooling powder are Camphor and Menthol oils. Menthol being there for the cooling down of the skin. The powder itself is so fine and lightweight it doesn’t enter into the skin to block the pores, it stays on the skin to give a protective layer, and surprisingly didn’t transfer to my clothes.

As a plus sized lady in the heat of Summer, I have had the problem of the under the boobs sweat! TMI? Maybe. But I have to say that this wonderful cooling powder has helped me greatly. After drying myself off from my morning bath, I applied the powder to ONLY the underneath of each breast and smoothed it out. The Menthol and Camphor fragrance really hits you in the nose, and then you feel the lovely cooling sensation from the powder, I found that during the day I felt a lot drier in that area. I don’t suffer from Prickly Heat as such, but when my feet and ankles swell due to the heat, they do itch me like crazy. So I applied the Snake Brand Cooling Powder all over my feet and ankles, after a few moments they are soothed and cool. This is one awesome body powder that can be used as often as is needed during the day. Always give your hands a rinse after applying the cooling powder.

You can find Snake Brand Prickly Heat Cooling Powder HERE.


*PR Gift*


Ancienne Ambiance Luxury Soap…

Hey lovelies, welcome to Elegant Ageless Beauty, I’m Teresa.

I have not use a bar of soap to wash with for quite a while, the last soap I did use was one by Dove, I loved it for being gentle on my skin and not drying, although I never used it on my face! I have since been lucky enough to try some stunning soap from Ancienne Ambiance, who have a beautiful boutique in Chelsea Green, London. Selling not just luxury bath and body products, but candles and room fragrance, and exclusive Niche Perfume. I have reviewed a candle from Ancienne Ambiance just about Christmas time last, year the review is HERE if you would like to check it out. I’ll leave a link to the boutique website at the end of this post.

The Ancienne Ambiance luxury soaps are just that! They are free from  parabens, and they are full of all the skin kind ingredients including Shea Butter and natural fine quality fragrance. These soaps did not strip my skin. The lather is really creamy and after using one for simple hand washing I found that my hands didn’t feel dry or crepey. I have been using the Lavender fragranced soap for bathing, although I shall bring you more on that soap in another post. The three I have for you today are Damask, Jasminum and Amandula.

Let me tell you about Damask. This is a very Rose fragranced soap although not a heady scent it’s quite subtle.

All bars are 100g in weight and this one being a Rose scented is a pretty pink colour. After I used it for the first time and left it on a soap dish, when I went back into my bathroom I could smell the fragrance later on.

This is my favourite of all the three soap bars I’m sharing with you today, this is Amandula, quite simply Almond milk in it’s most luxurious form.

The Almond milk in this soap bar is great for nourishing the skin as well as smelling amazing! The soap is white with an Almond colour running through the middle. It’s really delightful. Again my skin didn’t feel dry and tight after using.

Now Jasminum, obviously it’s fragranced with uplifting Jasmine, said to be the “Queen of Flowers” As with all these gorgeous soaps it’s packaged in signature packaging with the black and gold branding.  All Ancienne Ambiance packaging can be put into household recycling or taken to your local recycling centre.

This Jasmine fragranced soap is pure white and will compliment any colour scheme of bathroom. This is another soap that when it’s laying down in the bathroom it just scents the room. All of the Ancienne Ambiance soaps are suitable for the face as well as the body. I have used the Lavender one on my face which I will tell you more about in another post, so I hope you will come back for that.  Ancienne Ambiance does not test any products or ingredients on animals and won’t work with suppliers who do, which is a big YAY from me!

If you would like to check out these beautiful soaps and more, you will find them HERE.

Thank you for stopping by today lovely people.


*This post contains PR gift*




TENA Lady by Night…..

Welcome to Elegant Ageless Beauty, I’m Teresa..

There’s a  new subject on the blog today, and it’s a condition that millions of people across the world are affected by. Bladder weakness, Incontinence whatever you call it 400 million people are living with it. Incontinence is the “unintentional passing of urine” and there are several types of the condition.

Stress incontinence – is when urine leaks out at times when your bladder is under pressure; for example, when you cough or laugh.

Urge incontinence – when urine leaks as you feel a sudden, urge to pass urine.

Overflow incontinence  which is also known as chronic urinary retention, and is when you’re unable to fully empty your bladder, which causes frequent leaking.

Total incontinence – when your bladder can’t store any urine at all  causing you to pass urine constantly or have frequent leaking.

It’s also possible to have a mixture of both Stress incontinence and Urge incontinence. Your GP can help you if you have any type of Incontinence, and please don’t feel embarrassed talking to them about it, they see people like you every day.

I shall be 58 years YOUNG in April, and I have gone through the menopause and come out the other side relatively unscathed. I hated the hot flushes and the mood swings, I still do have days when I’m very down in the dumps, but hey ho. But there is the possibility that the menopause can cause bladder weakness/incontinence. Here is what TENA Lady says

“There’s a reduction in the quantity of oestrogen in the genital and lower urinary tract area and this can cause the vaginal and urinary tract tissue to become drier, thinner and less elastic. Pelvic floor muscle degenerate when they are not stimulated by oestrogen. Generally, combinations of age, childbirth, bodyweight and hormonal factors can increase the risk of problems with urinary incontinence or urgency feelings” 

To help me with my own little problem, I have been sent a night-time product by TENA Lady. TENA themselves have over 50 years of experience, and is the world leader in the management of incontinence, and provide products and services to individual people and healthcare professionals throughout 90 countries.

I am sometimes woken in the middle of the night with a panic attack, I’m hyperventilating, cannot get my breath, I have a brown paper bag on my bedside table for when it happens. During my panic attack I do tend to “trickle” a tad. I’ve been going to bed wearing normal every day pantie liners for protection, which actually are not ideal they don’t protect me much from dampness. Thank goodness for my TENA Lady Mini Night pads.

Each pad is shaped for the female body so is discreet and really comfortable to wear, and doesn’t chafe. Has triple protection which keeps me dry, free from odour and are secured in my underwear with a sticky strip that stays in place while I’m asleep, no matter how much I may move about. The TENA Lady pads have a silky soft surface and all materials are dermatologically tested so they are kind to the skin. The material is breathable which allows air to circulate so this keeps the skin healthy. Each pad is individually wrapped, and is 26cm in length. They are slightly thicker than a sanitary towel, but they don’t show through your clothing, they really are very discreet and I can’t tell that I’m wearing one. You can pick your TENA Lady products up with your weekly shop or pop to your local Boots or find them HERE.

For more information on incontinence and bladder weakness you can check out the TENA website HERE.

Sorry that this is quite a long one, thank you for reading.


*this post contains PR sample*


First Aid for Dry Skin from Australian Bodycare, Any Time…….

Welcome to Elegant Ageless Beauty, I’m Teresa..

My skin is so dry in some places at the moment but thank goodness for a product that I do call first aid for dry skin. This is one of those fantastic Tea Tree products from Australian Bodycare, this is the Any Time Balm.

It’s a super creamy emollient in the form of a balm. The ingredients are just amazing for my skin, and as is usual with Australian Bodycare products, this contains wonderful Tea Tree Oil making it antiseptic and anti-bacterial, which I love! It also has Soya and Macadamia oil in there too. Chamomile oil is present in the Any Time Balm which is soothing and calming for the skin.

This super balm can be used where ever you are suffering from dry skin. Knees, heels, elbows, lips and cuticles to name just a few. To trial my Any Time Balm I have used it on the tops of my feet, which do get so super dry and itchy, and around the cuticles on my toenails. I never treat my feet, they just get washed and dried and I used my Micro Pedi when hard skin appears, and I paint my toenails, I never treat them to a foot lotion so they do get quite dry. But I have been using the ABC Any Time Balm every night, and sometimes after my morning bath I’ll pop some on and wear socks. I always massage some into the cuticles of my toenails too. This balm is just fabulous for my feet! They are no longer dry and scaly or itchy, in fact I can’t wait to get flip flops on now! I keep my pot of balm beside me all the time, if my lips feel a bit dry and sore, I pat a little balm into them, and my cuticles too. Mark gets dry sore skin between his fingers from work, I gave him some of my balm and it worked a treat, now he loves it too! It’s Vegan and Vegetarian friendly too….

Pop over to KLM Beauty where you will find Australian Bodycare Any Time Balm HERE.

Thank you for stopping by today.


*Post contains PR sample*