What I got for Christmas….

I hope you all had a great Christmas!

I was going to leave this until the New Year, it should have been my first post of 2014 but I just couldn’t wait to show you!

I think I have been really lucky with these gorgeous gifts my Fiance gave me for Christmas, I love every single one of them. As you can see he set a theme that is beauty related ( He knows me soooo well!)


I cannot wait to start using this super Nivea Soft Skin set. It has a roll on deodorant, a body wash, hand cream, moisturiser, hand body face cream and a Lip balm. Obviously reviews will follow soon peeps!


I adore this Grace Cole Strawberry and Kiwi fragranced body care set, it includes a shower gel, body lotion and a super lip gloss that has a roller ball applicator. I needed a new make up bag to take bits and pieces of make up about with me, and there is lovely strawberry coloured one included in this set. Yes it may be a bag to carry toiletries but I think it’s pretty enough to go in my handbag.


I had two absolutely beautiful bath sets by Bayliss and Harding. The bottom one Sweet Mandarin and Grapefruit I have had before, and it really is delicious! The top one Ritual Retreat, I have never tried so I shall be trying this one out first.


Yet more gorgeous Bayliss and Harding! These are beautiful and blingy. Two bottles of body wash each in a sequinned zipper case. Left is Mandarin and Grapefruit, right is Ritual Retreat. I got really excited when I opened these, they just looked so pretty!


So that was the skin care and body care goodies, I also had some very pretty nail varnish by MUA and Fashionista.


3 more Magnetic nail polishes to add to my collection. These ones look a bit more glittery than previous ones I have reviewed. Gorgeous, I hope you will agree.


3 bottles of nail polish by Fashionista. A glitter in gold and another in lilac. I have wanted a black nail polish for ages and this one looks just the ticket. I haven’t tried it yet so I can’t tell you what the consistancy or coverage is like, but as soon as I have worn any of them for  a few days I will let you know what they are like.


I also had a few bits of make up too, also by MUA/Fashionista. This mascara is the Maxi Big Lash Impact volume mascara from Fashionista. It looks pretty good, the brush is super but as of yet I haven’t given it a proper try out.


Two of the MUA Matte lipsticks in a nude colour and also a beautiful berry shade too. I shall be doing proper reviews in a later post. Another lip product I had was an MUA lip balm. I do love their lip balms, really moisturising.


Lastly in the make up gifts are two eye liner products. Black eye pencil, which is so soft and easy to smudge for a smokey eye look, and a black liquid eye liner for that perfect cat flick!



I was also lucky enough to have a huge bottle of my favourite Elizabeth Arden fragrance. Sunflowers, I wear it all year round, I just love it! I haven’t put a picture up, we forgot to take one (oops!)

Lastly, I had two pairs of absolutely beautiful earrings.



I think I have been a lucky lady this year.  I was so happy with my Christmas presents from my Fiance, I think he was equally happy with the gifts I bought him too. I gave him an electric razor and the new David Beckham fragrance called “Classic” which, ladies is rather yummy!

I hope you enjoyed your Christmas too, see you in 2014!

Happy New Year!

3 comments on “What I got for Christmas….

  1. Darling, these are awesome presents. You got really lucky with the beautiful jewellery, the gorgeous skin care pamper sets and the pretty make-up.
    And you’re lucky to have a man who knows how to make you smile. Hope 2014 will be a fantastic year for the both of you! xo

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